What is Liability Auto Insurance?

Man inside of car making a sudden move with steering wheel

Liability Auto Insurance is the most basic and common form of auto insurance. But what is it and what does it do ? Let’s take a quick look at the word Liability, which comes from the word Liable. Here’s a couple examples. Example – Intentional Action Say Frank was carrying some boxes down the hall…

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Broadform Insurance

van driving on road

What is broadform insurance? Broadform insurance covers you, as the driver, to drive any owned or non-owned vehicle (with permission, of course) for liability only. Remember, liability covers the other person’s injuries and property if you’re at fault in an accident up to the limits you have selected. The benefit of broadform insurance The great…

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What is full coverage car insurance?

Fallen tree limbs on car from storm

Full Coverage Insurance In my twenty years in the insurance market one area of confusion continues to occur with full coverage car insurance. Briefly, I’m going to try to shed some light on this subject. “Physical Damage Coverage” The most common misunderstanding about “full coverage auto insurance” is actually in the phrase itself “full coverage”,…

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Why is my car insurance so high?

Young man standing beside his car

Most people are familiar with “age” being a rating factor for car insurance. The younger and less experienced a driver is the more expensive their auto insurance will be. And this is true, but there are lots of factors that are used to determine the amount you will pay for your car insurance. Let’s look…

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Virtual Insurance Enrollment

Looking at man through driver side window

I wanted to let you know that we value your time. When you call us, we answer the phone. That also means that we understand that you can’t always come down to the office to start an auto insurance policy. So all of our companies offer an electronic signature. So if you have a valid…

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Buying A New Car and Full Coverage Auto Insurance

SUV driving along dirt trail

I wanted to talk a little bit today about the car buying experience, financing a vehicle, and how that relates to your insurance. When you’re financing a vehicle you’re required to have physical damage coverage or full coverage. There are two parts to full coverage: Comprehensive – which covers things like fire, theft, hail, and…

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