Motorcycle Insurance Coverage: Your 101 guide

Person riding motorcycle during sunset

Understand the importance of motorcycle insurance coverage When you’re out for a ride, you want to live in the moment—which means you don’t want a bunch of what-ifs rattling around your brain. “What if I get in an accident?” “What if I get pulled over?” “What if my battery dies?” Quality motorcycle insurance coverage can…

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The Risks of Driving Without Insurance

Person in handcuffs

Driving without coverage could be a costly choice We all know car insurance is important. It protects you as a driver, as well as others you encounter on the road. That’s why nearly every state in the nation has car insurance requirements. You may choose to forego auto insurance in hopes of getting away with…

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What to Do When You Hit a Deer with Your Car

Deer grazing in the forest on a dirt road

What to do when the unexpected happens As a driver, you learn to expect the unexpected from other drivers and changing road conditions. On that note, there’s always a possibility that a deer or other large animal could cross the road in front of your car. When driving in the fall or winter, you need…

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Here are 5 Facts about Car Insurance You Should Know

Close Up Headlight Of Blue Color Maserati Ghibli M157 Car Parked At Street

Searching for a new car insurance policy can be stressful, especially when you don’t have all the information you need. So, let’s take a look at five car insurance facts you should know about when you’re researching new plan options. 1. There are many factors that affect your auto insurance rate There are various factors…

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Essential things to keep in your car at all times

First Aid kit

With many of us hitting the road these days, our minds are far removed from thinking about encountering an emergency situation that might leave us stranded. But it happens, regardless of other things going on in our lives. We’ll help you get prepared for when your seemingly normal trip goes awry—whether it’s a flat tire…

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10 ways to get cheap auto insurance

Man driving in car

We all want to save money. And we’d all like to know how to save on car insurance premiums. Here is a quick look at 10 ways you can pay less to a car insurance company, now and in the future: 1. Improve your credit score Credit scores play a factor in your insurance score,…

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How Do Car Insurance Claims Work?

Auto Insurance form

One of the most common reasons for stress in the world of auto insurance is the dreaded “claim”.  Having operated in the auto insurance world for a long time I can attest that most of this stress is caused by a lack of knowledge, communication, or very poor untimely communication.  I find that most people…

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Bad Answers From The Internet Concerning Auto Insurance

Girl confused at computer

I wasn’t sure what my next topic of discussion would be, so I decided to go online and search the most common questions asked about auto insurance. So I did, and was shocked at all  all the bad information out there. Seriously, the information contained in the Q & A articles I read was horrible….here…

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After the Crash – Do’s and Don’ts

Car after a crash

In the twenty years I’ve been serving my clients insurance needs there is no other time more stressful and complicated for them than the minutes just after an automobile accident.

Unfortunately, these are the most important minutes of all. And you need to be aware of the basic Do’s and Don’ts after a collision.

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Why Do Lenders Require Full Coverage Auto Insurance?

Man scratching his head

Lots of my clients have questions about this topic. They finance a vehicle and are told that “full coverage” is required to insure it.

Full coverage or physical damage coverage is almost twice as expensive as liability coverage. So why would the dealer care if you have full coverage?

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