What does car insurance cover?

woman on phone calling for help after car crash

Whether you’ve been driving for 40 years or it’s your first time behind the wheel, one thing is certain—accidents can happen. That’s why virtually every state mandates vehicle owners and drivers to carry some type of car insurance. While the type and amount of insurance you’re required to carry can vary from state to state, most require…

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Comprehensive vs. collision insurance

Car after a crash

What is the difference between comprehensive and collision insurance? Comprehensive auto insurance applies to covered incidents beyond your control, including theft and weather-related damage. Collision auto insurance helps cover your vehicle if you’re in an accident—even if you’re at fault. If you’re shopping for auto insurance coverages, you’ve likely come across the terms comprehensive and collision…

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Comprehensive vs. collision insurance

Fallen tree limbs on car from storm

What is the difference between comprehensive and collision insurance? Comprehensive auto insurance applies to covered incidents beyond your control, including theft and weather-related damage. Collision auto insurance helps cover your vehicle if you’re in an accident—even if you’re at fault. If you’re shopping for auto insurance coverages, you’ve likely come across the terms comprehensive and collision…

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How to get cheap car insurance

Looking at man through driver side window

Allow us to offload some heaviness from your research and decision-making process as we provide details on short- and long-term ways you can get cheaper car insurance. We also share additional services and benefits available to you from Dairyland®—because “cheap” doesn’t need to mean lesser value. Let’s get started! Review cheap car insurance coverages What’s…

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How Do Car Insurance Claims Work?

Auto Insurance form

One of the most common reasons for stress in the world of auto insurance is the dreaded “claim”.  Having operated in the auto insurance world for a long time I can attest that most of this stress is caused by a lack of knowledge, communication, or very poor untimely communication.  I find that most people…

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