Common questions about car insurance rates

Added January 31, 2018 We’re all looking for affordable car insurance or discount insurance. It’s one of those expenses where we frequently look at our options for cheaper coverage while maintaining quality protection. And while we’re required to have insurance, we still have questions about our insurance policies. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding…

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High-risk auto insurance: Your questions answered

A Better Choice Insurance Header

What is high-risk auto insurance? High-risk auto insurance—often called nonstandard auto insurance—covers drivers who insurance companies determine to have a higher risk of filing a claim, being an inconsistent payer, or being involved in an accident. While high-risk auto insurance policies are typically more expensive, drivers can improve their records and even remove their high-risk designation…

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10 ways to avoid road rage

Person handing car keys to another

We all feel frustrated or annoyed behind the wheel from time to time—whether we’ve been cut off by a speeding driver, someone is tailgating us or won’t let us merge, or we’re stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. That’s totally reasonable. But when those feelings intensify into road rage, things become dangerous. According to SafeMotorist, 12,610 injuries and…

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Understanding bodily injury liability insurance

Doctor looking at an xray

What is bodily injury liability insurance? Bodily injury liability helps protect you against expenses and damages a person might claim against you due to injuries they sustain in an auto accident you cause. When you purchase an insurance policy, your state likely requires you to purchase liability insurance. In most states, bodily injury liability coverage is…

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How car insurance works: A guide to everything you need to know

Auto Insurance form

Car insurance can help protect you from life-altering costs associated with car accidents and damage to vehicles. Our guide helps answer your questions about how car insurance works.  What is car insurance?  Car insurance is an agreement between you and an insurance provider that may help financially protect you if:  Several different types of car insurance…

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Insurance lapse: Your guide to understand, fix, and prevent it

Man driving in car

What happens if my car insurance policy lapses? If you miss a car insurance payment, your coverage will typically lapse after a 10–15-day grace period—depending on where you live and the type of payment missed—leaving you and your car unprotected. If you’re caught driving while your car insurance has lapsed, you could face legal penalties…

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Seasonal car care tips to keep you rolling

van driving on road

It’s almost that time of year—temperatures are on the rise, and that means you can finally get outside on a regular basis again. But a change of season also means it’s time to make sure you’ve done the work to transition your car from winter to spring. And that doesn’t mean just moving your ice…

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Common questions about car insurance rates

Auto Insurance form

We’re all looking for affordable car insurance or discount insurance. It’s one of those expenses where we frequently look at our options for cheaper coverage while maintaining quality protection. And while we’re required to have insurance, we still have questions about our insurance policies. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding auto insurance rates, and…

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14 easy steps to changing a flat tire

Red car with flat tire

Changing a tire is likely easier than you think. By preparing and educating yourself, and following the steps below, you can fix your flat tire and get back on the road in no time. 1. Make sure you have everything you need Before you hit the road, make sure you have these items stowed in…

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Insurance lapse: Discover what it could mean for you and your auto coverage

View of a car from the side mirror

What is a car insurance lapse? A lapse in car insurance is any time period—even as little as one day—in which you have a registered vehicle that’s not covered by car insurance. An insurance lapse can lead to increased coverage rates or reduce your chances of being accepted by some insurance carriers. Missing payments resulting…

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