How to identify car fluids and dashboard warning lights

inside of car looking at dashboard

You may not be an expert at car maintenance, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t in tune with what’s happening under the hood. Since you drive your car more than anyone else, you’ve likely gotten used to its quirks. But when should you be concerned and take your car into the shop for a professional…

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How does a speeding ticket affect your car insurance?

Cop writing a speeding ticket

It happens to the best of us—you lose track of the speedometer or you’re in a hurry and suddenly you see those red and blue flashing lights in your rearview mirror. You’re getting pulled over and are about to receive a speeding ticket. In addition to paying the cost of the citation, you may wonder…

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What does car insurance cover?

woman on phone calling for help after car crash

Whether you’ve been driving for 40 years or it’s your first time behind the wheel, one thing is certain—accidents can happen. That’s why virtually every state mandates vehicle owners and drivers to carry some type of car insurance. While the type and amount of insurance you’re required to carry can vary from state to state, most require…

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Ways to keep your dog safe during car rides

Dog riding in car

They say that every dog has their day, but considering dogs are known for their unending loyalty, unconditional love, comfort, and protection—they deserve more than one. That’s why in 1928, a World War I veteran named Captain William Judy declared the fourth week in September as National Dog Week. The purpose of this week is…

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